dijous, 11 de setembre del 2014


We are going to work in English classes using computers and internet resources. You will have activities on the contents of the different units of your book Voices 4, with exercises, grammar references, vocabulary activities, etc.

The first thing you have to do is introduce yourselves in English, so the other people can know about you. You have to leave a comment to this article (Envia un comentari at the bottom of the page) with a short personal introduction in English (50-70 words). Your teacher will evaluate your introduction, so try to write correctly and without mistakes. I have left my own personal introduction as an example!

It is important for you to know the e-mail of your teacher (mceide@xtec.cat) so you will be able to communicate with her, send questions, homework, extra activities or other important things.

1 comentari:

  1. My name is Cristina Ceide and I’m 42 years old. I was born, live and work in Sant Boi. I’m very “santboiana”, as you can see, although my family comes from Galicia and Navarra. I also work in Sant Boi as an English teacher at Institut Ítaca.

    I tend to chaos and I like the same things everybody confesses: reading, music, cinema… and some other things, like cooking or making puzzles (maybe to try to organize my chaotic person).
